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SOFT POWER (Maigā vara, 2024)

National Theatre of Latvia, New Hall

In a prestigious European theatre festival the opening event is supposed to be a performance about conquerer Tamerlane directed by a famous Russian director. Shortly before the premiere a new theater artist Tina from Eastern Europe joins the creative team. Tina is sure that this sudden chance will lift her career on a new level. When a community of Ukrainian artists begin to fight against the premiere of this performance, Tina is put in a maze of uncomfortable truth and difficult choices, she discovers – no one is really what he says he is.

The performance reveals the world of art and individual responsibility in the conditions of war.

Cast: Marija Luīze Meļķe, Matīss Budovskis, Egons Dombrovskis, Kaspars Aniņš, Ināra Slucka, Rūdolfs Sprukulis Agate Marija Bukša.

Director: Matīss Kaža

Playwrights: Elza Marta Ruža, Matīss Kaža

Composer: Toms Auniņš

Stage and Costume Designer: Kristina Rezviha

Lighting Designer: Lienīte Slišāne

Video Artist and Cinematographer: Aleksandrs Grebņevs, LGC

Producer: Anna Vekmane

© 2024 mK

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